Quantum Neuro Transformation® Practitioner Course

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Course Description

This course is for you if you are curious about finding out and implementing authentic and result-orientated solutions and introducing QNT® into your work.

You must have the willingness to do the inner work and the actions required to embody the knowledge and experience this course has to offer. 

This course is created for professionals working with children and adults whose lives are affected by a neurologically based diagnosis.

The content of the course is to inspire you and to help you to gain a deeper understanding of how to facilitate your clients to help themselves and enable you to be more effective when guiding and empowering them to establish better health, well-being, physical stamina, improved functionality, psychological health and emotional purity.  

I aim to share with you concepts and their practical applications to become more successful and resourceful. 
You will learn strategies and skills that will enable you to successfully guide people with a fundamental understanding of regarding them as powerful beings having a human experience and not a victim and diagnostic label or a diagnostic condition. 

You will be shown how to convert intentions (hopes and desires) into actions. You will be introduced to a new way of thinking, planning, and problem-solving and how to create whole-day routines, and unified programmes (life curricula) to help them to create a healthy and active way of life. 

This involves the ability to learn through movement, learning about motor skills, balance, sensory and perceptual functions, emotional development, language, and cognitive functions. 

A unified program, strategy, routine or solution means that the same element, which was learned, is reproduced even when the activity is different. 

 How to influence children and adults to ignite and achieve their functional spontaneity, to instil confidence in you to be able to help people to help themselves. 
What you learn in this course will acquaint you with knowledge and answers that can transform the lives of children and adults, helping them move beyond pain, trauma and limitation. Accessing and utilising the underlying capacity and the amazing abilities of the brain, guided by the heart. You will learn how to support the natural forces of health so the body can heal itself.  You will acquire new skills to improve and refine existing skills, and dramatically enhance physical, cognitive, emotional, and creative performance. 

 If you know anyone who might find this course useful, please share it with them.

Your attitude towards difficulties and adversities is the most important factor in overcoming them

Whatever you have created so far is based on your focus and the precision of your actions

Photo: One of our boys is standing independently and watering a plant using both hands in gardening gloves. 

When he started his journey with us he was 18 months old and was diagnosed with hemiplegia. He couldn’t sit. He spent most of his time lying on his back, he could only bend one of his legs and used that leg to push himself backwards on the floor. It was the only way he could move around. 

He had a bald patch at the back of his head as he couldn’t lift his head up from the floor as he was scooting around on his back.

He didn’t give eye contact and didn’t use his eyes for learning.  

He lived in his own world with very little interaction with the world around him. He couldn’t close his mouth and therefore he was drooling all the time.

Work with me to learn about the method we helped him with to transform his own life.