This group is for you if you are curious about finding and implementing authentic and result-orientated solutions for you and your child and if you are willing to do the inner work and take the actions required to achieve what you want in your everyday life.
Join our group if you are interested in understanding and overstanding the values, strategies and patterns of nurturing and guiding your child with a neurologically based diagnosis.
Families can achieve limitless possibilities of authentic solutions while having a great time helping their children to help themselves.
Everyone has a unique journey that leads to a path to explore, conquer, enjoy, and fulfil.
The possibilities you can tap into are endless, leading you and your child or a child under your care to have a life with more joy, options, and connection.
This is an interactive group that requires your participation to get the most out of it. You must be willing and open to challenging your perceptions and beliefs and achieving a higher level of honesty, transparency, and integrity.
Requirements to join the group are as follows:
- A Facebook page with your real name and picture is required.
- An annual self-investment of £180 (£15 per month) is required for membership.
- The content expressed and shared in the group must remain in the group due to its often personal and sensitive nature.
- The group’s content, including videos, documents, files and photos, will not be shared outside the group.
If you would like to join this group, please register by clicking on the basket, which will take you to the payment page.
Once your registration is complete, you will receive a direct link to access the private group.